Press & Media

Media Inquiries

Sophia Lenarz-Coy
Executive Director

Phone: 763-450-3864

Rachel Martin Asproth
Communications Manager

Phone: 763-450-4202

Latest Press Stories

Star Tribune

Rising food prices and higher costs of living, along with the end of pandemic-era benefits, led to another record-breaking year of food shelf visits for the state, with Minnesotans making nearly 9 million visits to places like PRISM last year. That has jumped from around 3.5 million food shelf visits annually before the pandemic. Read more here.


Minnesotans made nearly 9 million visits to the food shelves in 2024, a steady increase in visitation rates since pre-pandemic levels, according to a new report’s findings. The Food Group, a nonprofit working toward food justice and equity, released the report on Wednesday in partnership with the Department of Children, Youth and Families. Highlights show grocery prices increased by 28 percent over four years. Read more here.

Pioneer Press

PSA: Federal funding uncertainty is still impacting Minnesota nonprofits even after the executive order was rescinded! The Food Group’s organizational stability is not at risk—but we can’t access funds for two federal grants that support essential community work. One provides funding for our statewide food helpline and the other supports training for emerging farmers. The Food Group Executive Director Sophia Lenarz-Coy sat down with Pioneer Press to talk about how the freeze order is affecting our work. Read more here:


Land access is one of the most significant barriers faced by young and emerging farmers throughout Minnesota. With limited availability of affordable, high-quality farmland, especially on long-term contracts, many aspiring farmers struggle to break into the industry. A promising solution lies in maximizing land productivity by combining solar energy production with agriculture – a practice known as “agrivoltaics”. One standout example is a project located in Big Lake, Minnesota, where a local solar developer has partnered with Big River Farms (BRF), a program of The Food Group and an organization that champions emerging farmers. Read more here:

West Central Tribune

2024 Wrapped up with an all time high of 9 million food shelf visits in Minnesota. The Food Group and many hunger-relief organizations are working strategically across the state to meet this increase. To ensure neighbors and families will never have to decide between a bill and food on the table, a new funding of $5.5 million was announced last week to go toward food from Minnesota producers and processors. We are grateful for this investment from Governor Walz! Read more here:


More than 6,000 Minnesotans had their EBT benefits stolen between January and November, totaling more than $1.2 million dollars lost. “Many of these folks don’t have another way to pay, “said Sophia Lenarz-Coy, executive director of The Food Group. Many will have to rely on food shelves in the process of recovering these funds. Continue reading the coverage here:

Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder

Thank you to Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder for writing this piece to highlight the SNAP Challenge. The Food Group’s Executive Director, Sophia Lenarz-Coy recently shared, “One thing that we are going to work on at the state level is if we can try to increase the minimum benefit for seniors on SNAP. Right now, if a senior gets the minimum benefit, they’re only getting $23 a month, which we know just doesn’t go very far at all. There’s a lot of paperwork, so our senior enrollment rates are low,” Lenarz-Coy said, “But at a broader level, I think what we are really hoping to do is to make sure SNAP at the federal level does not get cut.” Read more of the highlight here:

MPR News

MPR News featured The Food Group’s Executive Director, Sophia Lenarz-Coy in a story that highlights the high cost of living that are driving Minnesota food shelf visits. Read here:

Star Tribune

Our Executive Director, Sophia Lenarz-Coy shared “While we hear in the news how inflation is coming down, the piece that’s buried in that is [it’s] coming down from crazy high levels.” People are looking for assistance, and now anti-hunger programs are needing the funds to meet this demand. Continue reading here:

Star Tribune

The Star Tribune ran The Food Group’s Executive Director, Sophia Lenarz-Coy’s OpEd on how nearly 500,000 Minnesotans used SNAP last year, and how cuts are threatened in Washington. Read the story here:

Star Tribune

The Star Tribune featured a story on the Twin Cities Mobile Market bus, a revamped school bus that’s like a grocery store on wheels for people who don’t live close to a regular grocery store. Read the story here:

Sahan Journal

The Sahan Journal did a great article on our Agrivoltaics work centered on our emerging farm partners. Read the story here:

The Guardian

The Guardian did a story on the Sudanese Farming Group that is part of Big River Farms and farms on site at New Hope outside our offices/warehouse! Read the story here:

Watch this great feature by WCCO on our Big River Farms program. We’re grateful for the spotlight on our farm partners, Farm Director, and partners at Neighborhood House. We believe in local food for every table by supporting emerging farmers and increasing access to local foods for everyone, including food shelves.

‘Twin Cities Mobile Market’ brings fresh groceries to people in food deserts

One of our apple gleans made it on KSTP! Watch the video to learn more about produce reclamation and gleaning.

Pilot project combines solar and farming.

Sophia Lenarz-Coy, executive director of The Food Group, highlighted the profound impact of the Tegna grant on the Twin Cities Mobile Market.

December 28, 2023 KARE 11 (Jason Hackett): ‘Twin Cities Mobile Market’ brings fresh groceries to people in food deserts

November 29, 2023 Minnesota Spokesman Recorder (H. Jiahong Pan): A food desert in downtown Minneapolis?

November 28, 2023 Morrison County Record: Fare for All holiday packs available in December

November 20, 2023 Star Tribune (Kelly Smith): Minnesota on record-setting pace to top 7 million food shelf visits this year

November 17, 2023 Star Tribune (Kelly Smith): Give to the Max Day draws $34 million, the second-highest amount ever for Minnesota schools, nonprofits

November 12, 2023 Star Tribune (Kelly Smith): Will Minnesotans break from the national trend of declining donations on Give to the Max Day?

November 7, 2023 MPR (Kirsti Marohn): Mixing solar and farming could be key to clean energy future

October 31, 2023 The Land (Laura Cole): The Food Group covers many bases in supplying food and markets

October 30, 2023 KSTP: Decreasing food waste, feeding those in need

October 13, 2023 Minnesota’s New Country 98.1 (Kelly Cordes): Fare-For-All Pop Up Grocery Coming To St. Joseph On Monday

October 3, 2023 Star Tribune (Matt McKinney): Manitou Fund buys Wilder Foundation forest land near Stillwater

September 29, 2023 Kiowa County Press (Mike Moen): Growing veggies with a side of solar cuts emissions, boosts land access

September 28, 2023 Public News Service (Mike Moen): Growing veggies with a side of solar cuts emissions, boosts land access

September 25, 2023 Star Tribune (Christopher Vondracek, Kelly Smith): Ag secretary: Federal shutdown would hurt nutrition assistance, rural America

September 14, 2023 KARE 11 (Kent Erdahl): MN household income fell again in ’22; food shelves aren’t surprised

August 31, 2023 MPR (Angela Davis, Kelly Gordon): Growing diversity: The changing face of Minnesota farming

August 28, 2023 Solar Industry (Nina Korman): Pilot Project Aims to Increase Solar, Preserve Farm Land

August 26, 2023 KARE 11 (John Croman): Pilot project combines solar and farming

August 25, 2023 Twin Cities Business (Dan Niepow): USDA Officials Tout Solar Projects in Minnesota

August 23, 2023 Great Plains Institute (Brian Ross): Innovative Project Shows How Solar Power Benefits Extend to Sustainable Farming

August 10, 2023 KARE 11: Minnesota communities empowered through TEGNA Foundation grant funding

July 24, 2023 WCCO (John Lauritsen): Dry, hot summer taking its toll on Minnesota farmers

July 12, 2023 Food Bank News: Why Some Food Banks Charge for Low-Cost Groceries

July 10, 2023 5 News (Arkansas Business): $327 million Driver Solar farm going in alongside Big River Steel’s new mill

May 24, 2023 Hutchinson Leader: Oak Heights Covenant marks one year as Fare For All site

May 3, 2023 KELOLAND: Twin Cities’ grocery bus a ‘great community asset’

April 27, 2023 MPR (Emily Bright, Alanna Elder): Sudanese Farming Group works to grow culturally relevant crops, get access to land

April 26, 2023 KELOLAND (Eric Mayer, Lauren Soulek): Mobile groceries coming to you: A new program announced in Sioux Falls

February 22, 2023 Ambrook Research (Shea Swenson): Oklahoma’s New Lunch Program Puts a Twist on the Farm-to-School Model

February 20, 2023 MN Daily (Amirah Razman): Campus-based assistance programs aim to combat food insecurity


December 2, 2022 Ag Week (Noah Fish): 40-Acre Co-op, Big River Farms offer more opportunities for state’s emerging farmers

October, 17 2022 WCCO News (Beret Leone): “They need your help”: Inflation hitting local food shelves hard

July 18, 2022 MinnPost (Sophia Lenarz-Coy): Minnesota, you have a problem with food inequity

July 15, 2022 Country Messenger (Leslie MacKenzie): Co-op tour offers opportunity to meet longtime farming neighbors

May 10, 2022 Good Morning America (Becky Worley, Kelly McCarthy): Mobile markets and co-op food sites on the rise as inflation and grocery prices soar

April 26, 2022 WCCO (Pauline Le, Kate Raddatz): Local Nonprofit The Food Group Sees Boom in Bulk Buying Due To Inflation

April 21, 2022 CCX Media (Shannon Slatton): Fare For All offers groceries at 40% discount

April 18, 2022 UMN Sustainable Development Goals Initiative: Student Activity Grant Brings Mobile Market to Campus

March 25, 2022 MN News Country (Kelly Cordes): Amazing Program Helps All Minnesotans Save Money on Groceries

March 25, 2022 Star Tribune (Gail Rosenblum): Fare For All offers discounted groceries for people facing food insecurity and anyone else

March 9, 2022 Pioneer Press (Molly Guthrey): Inflation resources & how to stretch your grocery budget

March 9, 2022 City of Bloomington: Fare For All at Creekside Community Center

January 27, 2022 MN Women’s Press (Demetria Dickinson): Seeking Agricultural Equity

January 22, 2022 StarTribune (Kelly Smith): After record year, Market Bucks program for low-income Minnesotans expands this Spring


December 222020 StarTribune: More Minnesotans visited food shelves in 2020 than any year on record — and the need is expected through 2021

December 202020 FOX9 KMSP: The Food Group doubles its food distribution to help families in Minnesota and Wisconsin

December 14, 2020 Red Lake Nation News: Guthrie Theater continues longtime partnership with The Food Group to host curbside food drive

November 5, 2020 University of Minnesota CFANS: Emerging farmers apply science, explore soil-improving crops

September 11, 2020 StarTribune: The Food Group responds to fresh demand

September 5, 2020 ThreeSixty Journalism: Nutritious and culturally specific in a time of need

August 21, 2020 StarTribune: Some help emerges for farmers that supply local markets in the Twin Cities

August 12, 2020 Northern Spotlight: Big River Farms – Summer Update

July 31, 2020 Northern Spotlight: An Incubator Farm Reacts

July 31, 2020 KSTP: Allina Health host food giveaway with The Food Group

July 21, 2020 KARE 11: Minnesota food banks, shelves prepare for hunger surge

July 14, 2020 Sun Post: The Food Group receives 20 tons of food from LDS Church

June 25, 2020 StarTribune: New data project a Great Depression-level surge in hunger by fall in Minnesota

June 19, 2020 StarTribune: Minneapolis organizations, groups transition to meet neighborhoods’ needs after George Floyd death

May 18, 2020 MPR News with Angela Davis: Combating food insecurity during the pandemic

March 6, 2020 KSTP: Minnesota nonprofit expands affordable grocery options with store on bus

The Food Group believes in food equity. They believe in culturally specific foods. They believe in meeting people where they are at. And most of all, they believe in dignity.

The Food Group volunteer and donor

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Stay up-to-date with The Food Group


The Food Group

We’re a nonprofit working at the intersection of equity and access to fresh, sustainable foods. From farming to distribution, we provide fresh food across MN and WI.

The Food Group is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. EIN 41-1246504 Contributions are tax-deductible to the full amount provided by the law.

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Charity Navigator Four Star
CRC Meets Standards

The Food Group Office & Warehouse

Big River Farms

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Hunger Solutions