Food for Thought

Keep up to date with the latest at The Food Group.

cinnamon sticks, ground cinnamon, and some mashed apples in a red bowl

Crockpot Applesauce



The Recipe for Food Justice

The fight for food equity has an ever-changing recipe. The Food Group’s executive director, Sophia Lenarz-Coy, offers a personal reflection on our work for food justice.


two people in black standing on a dock in front of some gorgeous aqua water with a little hill on the horizon

How values-based sourcing can change our food system

The first time I literally got into the weeds to see what a local food system could look like, I was in college. I worked on a small organic farm just outside of Fargo, North Dakota and I did a lot of food policy work, helping to draft proposals for things like urban beekeeping and backyard chickens in the city. 


Health & Wellness Tips

It is important to be in tune with your body and maintain body awareness. This can be hard to do amidst a busy life. To become more in tune with your personal body awareness, try this simple mindfulness meditation practice at home, called a body scan.


hand planting small sprig of basil

Health & Wellness Tips

Tulsi Basil makes a delicious tea that has a hint of licorice in the flavor. Get the recipe! Tulsi is grown as an annual herb in Minnesota and is hardy to zones 10 to 12.

CATEGORIES: News, Recipes, Uncategorized

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The Food Group believes in food equity. They believe in culturally specific foods. They believe in meeting people where they are at. And most of all, they believe in dignity.

The Food Group volunteer and donor

Stay up-to-date with The Food Group


Stay up-to-date with The Food Group


The Food Group

We’re a nonprofit working at the intersection of equity and access to fresh, sustainable foods. From farming to distribution, we provide fresh food across MN and WI.

The Food Group is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. EIN 41-1246504 Contributions are tax-deductible to the full amount provided by the law.

platinum transparency seal candid
Charity Navigator Four Star
CRC Meets Standards

The Food Group Office & Warehouse

Big River Farms

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Hunger Solutions