The north metro food landscape has changed dramatically the past two months. Three major food retailers in the area have permanently shut their doors to community.
Supporter Spotlight
Kurt Johansen, board member at The Food Group, is VP & Group Counsel at Ameriprise Financial. Kurt takes advantage of his employer match program.
Local foods fill a hunger gap
The Food Group is proud to provide our partners with locally grown and sourced foods. Thanks to our generous supporters, local foods are becoming a staple at food shelves like MCCC.
The Recipe for Food Justice
The fight for food equity has an ever-changing recipe. The Food Group’s executive director, Sophia Lenarz-Coy, offers a personal reflection on our work for food justice.
How values-based sourcing can change our food system
The first time I literally got into the weeds to see what a local food system could look like, I was in college. I worked on a small organic farm just outside of Fargo, North Dakota and I did a lot of food policy work, helping to draft proposals for things like urban beekeeping and backyard chickens in the city.