It seems as though every single thing in our lives is shifting unpredictably right now. We keep tossing around words like “unprecedented” and “new normal.”
At Big River Farms, we are shifting and adapting, too. We have limited access to Big River Farms to select staff whose top priority is now seeding plant starts for our CSA program. We’ve installed additional handwashing stations and enhanced our cleaning and sanitization protocol in the office and the greenhouse.
And yet, spring is still arriving, right on schedule. The growing season doesn’t stop. Now more than ever, our communities depend on a consistent supply of fresh, nutritious food.
While everything feels uncertain, this remains unchanged. We here at BRF continue to plant, water, and nurture our seedlings so we can continue to bring you the food to keep you and your family healthy.
Joining our CSA may be the easiest way to continue to maintain a healthy social distance while continuing to enjoy fresh produce throughout the season and support local growers. Your membership supports multiple farm families from all different backgrounds who rely on farming to meet their needs.
Currently, we are not anticipating interruptions to CSA deliveries due to the outbreak of COVID-19.
We are all in this together. In trying times, we continue to support one another and work together with creativity and resilience to build a sustainable food system. Be safe out there and wash your hands!
To learn more about Big River Farms CSA click here.
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